What Plants Can Survive in a Bathroom?
Investing in houseplants in the easiest way to bring life to any home. The flush of green will brighten the space, while the hardworking leaves will suck up stale house air breath out breezy, fresh air.
This is why you’ll usually spot a couple of pot plants in any happy home. A couple of cacti on the coffee table, a windowsill herb garden in the kitchen, a vase of flowers on the dresser are all standard suggestions for improving your interior.
But what about the bathroom? This small room often goes unloved when it comes to design touches, and when it comes to plants it is usually completely forgotten.
In a way, this may feel counter-intuitive. After all, plants love water and bathrooms are full of it. All that warm, wet air should make plants in bathrooms a natural fit.
Of course, it doesn’t quite work like that. For a lot of plants the regular dousing that comes from condensation in the bathroom is too much. Rather than flourish, many plants will just oversaturate. Succulents, for example, will start to rot while Evergreens could even start to form a layer of dusty mildew across their leaves.
The extreme moisture isn’t your only concern either. Due to their size, most bathrooms will have a very limited natural light source. A tiny window, high on the wall, or even no window at all. And the other thing that plants need to survive is light.
Luckily, plants come in all shapes and sizes with all kinds of needs. The lush rainforests of this world prove that some plants do thrive under hot, humid air without much light giving hope that you can turn your bathroom into a vibrant, green space after all.
We’ve put together some suggestions to help you find the best plants for bathrooms. We’ve found plants perfect for a bathroom with no windows, and a range of bathroom plants that absorb moisture happily.
Plants for a Bathroom with No Windows
If you are hoping to brighten a dark bathroom with the addition of some greenery, it can be a little disheartening to realise that a lot of plants require a lot of light to grow.
But not all plants. Here are some that can still thrive in low light levels, making them the perfect plants for bathroom without window.
Dracena (Bamboo)
If you’ve got a bathroom with really low light levels, bamboo could be the best way to inject some greenery. This plant is so easy-going it doesn’t even need soil to grow in – just pop some shoots into a container with some pebbles and water.
It’s a very quick growing plant, and will fill your bathroom with lots of life. Just trim it regularly to keep it in check or, if even that is too much like hard work, pop a shelf above it and let your fixtures graft for you.
Snake Plant
Also known as ‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’, Snake plants are a guaranteed hit for anyone who finds their fingers are a little more brown than green. These hardy, happy plants are the definition of low maintenance. They’ll tolerate low lighting, and absorb all the water they need from the air.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an excellent multipurpose choice for your bathroom. Not only will it’s long green leaves make a brilliant focal point, they also contain the a healing sap. Snap a leaf and smooth Aloe Vera liquid on dry skin, cuts and burns for a soothing, healing effect.
If you’re looking to bring blooms in to your bathroom, orchids should be your first choice. Their stunning flowers have staying power as well. These beautiful blasts of colour can last for months on end.
Another bright, beautiful choice for your bathroom are begonias. They are particularly perfect for bathrooms with little or no light, because they actually prefer fluorescent light! The flowers come in a whole range of colours and shapes, making these a versatile design choice with the potential to match any decor.
Bathroom Plants that Absorb Humidity
Not everybody realises that ‘overwatering’ is even a thing. In fact, it’s actually a common cause of plant death, and probably explains why that cactus you so lovingly cultivated with daily care still shrivelled and died. Humidity in the air is absorbed by plant leaves, will settle in the soil of pots, and work its way into arid or dry-climate plants turning them to mulch.
This doesn’t mean you have to keep all plants away from your wet rooms though. These plants love damp, warm conditions. They’ll soak up all that extra water and flourish from it!
Ferns are perfect for bring a vibrant emerald hue to your bathroom. They love heat, so are best suited to bathrooms where the temper doesn’t drop too far and they love moist air. There are plenty of foliage shapes to choose from, so you can build a layered look without getting repetitive.
Bromeliads are an extremely adaptable plant family. They have a colourful appearance, with unusual looking flowers that can last for months. Another benefit is that they bloom quickly and consistently.
Croton plants are fabulous for bringing colour in the room without fragile flowers. The humidity in the bathroom even benefits these colours, keeping them vibrant and strong. They’ll need bright, indirect light, and damp but not sodden, soil.
As well as trailing luxurious vines and tendrils across your bathroom, Ivy has a secret benefit as a bathroom plant. This family is rated by NASA as one of the best for filtering air and purifying it. They can even help keep the air clear of bacteria and mold.
If you’re looking to turn your bathroom into a healthier, happier, space to get clean in, adding plants is an amazingly simple way to do it. The plants we’ve listed here are only a few of the ones out there that won’t just tolerate, but will benefit from the bathroom environment. Just pop in a couple of pots and let the daily routines of the room give your plants all the life they need.